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Restrictive permit – Clinician – Practice Ready Assessment (PRA)

The Collège’s Committee on Admission to Practice (CAP) is responsible for reviewing credentials and issuing permits.

Pursuant to section 35 of the Medical Act, the Collège may issue a restrictive permit (clinician) in accordance with guidelines established for clinicians (in French only) (see the excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors, CDA-24-09). Requirements include completion of a 12-week assessment period during which the physician’s readiness to practice is assessed.

Please note

Since June 1, 2024, the Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ) is no longer the employer of candidates applying for the restrictive permit route undergoing an adaptation and evaluation period.

The restrictive permit (clinician) route to medical practice in Quebec is intended for practicing clinicians who are international medical graduates (IMGs) and who:

  • have completed postgraduate training that is roughly equivalent in duration and content to that required in Quebec for the medical specialty in question;
  • have a specialist’s certificate in the medical specialty in question;
  • have practiced in the medical specialty in question for 12 months during the last three years.

If you are a medical graduate from France and have a State Doctor of Medicine degree, you may be eligible under the agreement between Quebec and France on the mutual recognition of physicians’ professional qualifications (Quebec-France MRA): please see the page Restrictive permit – Quebec France MRA – Practice Ready Assessment (PRA).

Restrictive permit (clinician) - Practice Ready Assessment (PRA)

The permit is restricted with respect to three aspects:

  • place of practice (only authorized to practice in a health care institution; the permit does not authorize “independent” or private practice);
  • the professional acts authorized;
  • validity (1 year, renewable annually).

A restrictive permit may be converted into a regular permit subject to certain requirements. Please see the page Converting a restrictive permit into a regular permit.

The guidelines established for clinicians (in French only) also set out the criteria for revoking a restrictive permit:

  • the permit holder is struck off or resigns from the Roll of the Order;
  • the permit holder no longer has privileges in a health care institution, confirmed by a resolution of the health care institution’s board of directors;
  • the permit holder ceases to practice.


  • You have a Doctor of Medicine degree or an equivalent degree from a school or faculty listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools published by the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER).
  • You have completed a required examination: MCCEE or MCCQE Part I or USMLE / Step 2 CK.
  • You have completed postgraduate training that is roughly equivalent to that required in Quebec for the specialty for which the restrictive permit application is being submitted.
  • You have a specialist’s certificate (or equivalent credential) in the discipline for which the restrictive permit application is being submitted.
  • You practiced competently in the area of medical expertise for which the restrictive permit application is being submitted for twelve months during the three years preceding your application.
  • You have provided proof of French language proficiency or passed the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) examination.
  • You successfully completed an assessment period.
  • You participated in the ALDO-Quebec educational activity before your permit was issued.
Since the full process is lengthy (9 to 18 months on average) and you must maintain your clinical experience, we encourage you to keep practicing as you complete the steps.

Note that the CMQ does not intervene at all steps of the process.

The deadlines indicated at certain steps are given as an indication. They can vary significantly depending on the individual background of the candidates.

Any candidate for a restrictive permit has the right to report a situation of harassment and to request information and advice in relation to this situation, or even file a complaint with their assessment environment or the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST).

The harassment prevention and complaints policy of the assessment setting explains the steps to follow. Further details concerning the resource to which the candidate can refer to, in the event of a harassment situation, will be provided when the assessment period is launched.

The candidate must also notify the Collège as soon as the assessment environment has been informed of a harassment situation.


Une médecin consulte son ordinateur

Steps to practicing medicine in Quebec for IMGs

In case of dissatisfaction

You can file a complaint if you are dissatisfied or have difficulty in obtaining a permit or becoming a member of the Order.